
Cause of Injury And Death in Infants

I. SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) 
is a death syndrome sudden and unexpected at all, the baby looks healthy as ever. SIDS cases are found most often in infants aged 2 weeks to 4 months, and mostly occur when the baby is in bed. That is why, SIDS is also called crib death, although it does not mean the baby died from sleeping in the crib or in bed.

The cause is not known for sure. A number of studies in the U.S. showed many cases of SIDS occur because the baby in the belly tidurkan. Presumably this position puts pressure on the jaw, which resulted in a narrowing of the airway. There are also allegations, the baby can not breathe because your nose or mouth closed other objects inside the box such as blankets, pillows, dolls, etc..

  1.  Infant sleep is always placed in the supine position, because it proved to be the safest position to reduce the risk of SIDS. When babies sleep on his stomach should always be in control. 
  2.  Use a mattress or mattress is flat and not too soft. The risk of SIDS increases if the sofa, mattress or other surface is too soft, so easy a baby face "sunset". 
  3.  Make sure the baby's face or head of any closed during sleep. * Far blankets and cloths of every baby's nose and mouth. Blankets should be no higher than baby's chest. * Keep a variety of fabrics are soft, furry and weakness and toy dolls with cotton or cloth out of the crib.
  4.   Make sure the baby's feet at the end of his bed. This reduces the risk of his face covered with a blanket. 
  5.  Make sure everyone knows that taking care of your baby all over, because every time the baby to sleep is the risk of SIDS.

II.MAS (meconium aspiration syndrome) 
MAS baby syndrome have difficulty breathing immediately after birth.

In the womb, the baby choked on meconium (feces) is mixed with amniotic fluid. This fluid into the lungs and block the road winded so your baby can not breathe naturally.

MAS increases the risk of having a baby if:
* Infants deprived of oxygen, while in the womb.
* My mother had diabetes.
* My mother has high blood pressure.

1. Greenish amniotic fluid and meconium found therein.
2. Baby's skin is blue, which shows him having trouble breathing.
3. Breathing is difficult, for example, out of breath or breathing stops.

The good news is, these symptoms are seen when dilahirksan baby. doctors will soon bring the infant NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), to help him breathe with the aid of a machine, and turn on the warmer to maintain body temperature. If treated quickly and appropriately, this syndrome can be cured.

spacecraft kora-kora in a fantasy world swung sharply to make the heart almost sank. Imagine your little baby rocking like that. Rather than stop crying, your child may experience neck injury in fact even his brain.

The brain and the baby's neck bones 0-3 months is still very weak. while the heavy head and a little bigger than his size. Shocks or sway that is too strong to make the cerebrospinal fluid in the cavity of the head can move, jarinagn his brain swelled and blood vessels can be torn. Usually babies who experienced, Shaken Baby Syndrome will experience, cerebral hemorrhage, eye bleeding, and injury to the spinal cord or neck. Some babies also suffered broken ribs and bruises

  1. Do not panic when the baby cries. Buckle-clasp gently and try to figure out the cause of crying. 
  2. If you can not stand to cry, Put the baby in bed safely. Calm yourself for a moment by going out of the room. Then right back to him. 
  3. Do not hold the baby while still a high level of emotion.
  4. Outbursts will make you shake involuntarily is small. 4. Teach how to cope with a crying baby on your baby sitter.
* You can not chew and swallow. * No appetite.
* Silent course, did not smile or make sounds
* Difficult breathing. Unconscious
* Eyes unfocused.
* The pupils of the eyes is not sam No lift his own head.
* Seizures.

IV.SYNDROMA Reye's syndrome is rarely experienced by infants, usually occurs in children aged 4 years or more, but still there are some cases in infants. It comes in the form of swelling of brain disorders and heart on the sign with seizures and coma. Brain damage can cause speech is slightly impaired or intelligence. Liver damage will cause the appearance of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain on the right side, and appeared in yellow and white part of, nails the eyes and skin.

Giving aspirin to children who are sick because of viruses such as influenza type A and B, or chicken pox. But that does not mean the kids are sick because of viruses and aspirin diberikasn will have syndroma Rey. Giving aspirin will only increase the risk of this syndrome. Therefore, the doctor forbade giving aspirin to children who are sick because of viruses.

Give paracetamol if the child is suffering from a virus, do not give aspirin. FOR PHYSICIAN

Show children the initial symptoms syndroma Rey, such as vomiting, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, arms and legs can not be moved, and unconscious. Doctors will usually give the liquid electrolyte and nutritional balance.