
Household Waste

Household Waste..

In the household, water used for drinking, cooking, washing, and other purposes. Once used, discarded, or water flowing into the gutter. Next, water flows into rivers, lakes, and seas. Domestic wastewater or household waste is known as containing 95% to 99% water and residual organic waste.

Most of the waste consists of nitrogen components, such as urea and uric acid which would then break down into ammonia and nitrite. In the waters entered by household waste will usually cause the algae population increases rapidly as a result of nutrient supply.
In contrast, the supply of oxygen in the waters decreased. There can be found Tubifex sp, Aquatic animals that can live well under conditions of oxygen deficiency ..

Or further downstream towards the estuary, organic waste decomposes more completely so that the oxygen content in the water back to normal. Animals and aquatic plants can grow well. Also important is the household garbage.

Garbage in large quantities like in big cities, plays a major role in the pollution of soil, water, and air. Soil containing garbage on it will be a place to live many microorganisms that cause disease. Contamination by microorganisms and other pollutants from the waste will reduce the quality of ground water. Decline in groundwater quality can be seen from the physical changes, such as odor, color, and taste, there is even a layer of oil. Some types of waste such as plastics and metals that are difficult to uncover the effect on the ability of soil to absorb water.

In agriculture, the use of artificial fertilizers, pest eradication chemicals (pesticides), and eradication of pest plants (herbicide) can contaminate the soil, and water. Herbicides are pesticides that 40% of the products have been used in the world. The farmers use herbicides to control or shut down so the plants can grow well. Experiments on rabbits and monkeys using doses of herbicides more than 25% indicated that foods and drinks that mixed herbicides may cause liver and kidney of animals are susceptible to tumors and cancer