
Human Activities On Environmental From Indonesia

Human Activities on Environmental Degradation...

 Global warming is a global issue related to the cutting-edge environment where pollution and environmental destruction are considered as factors that cause loss of naturalness nature of the earth due to global warming. The world is aware of to make the effort to recall more threatening the existence of life.

Indonesia as one of the 'heart of the world' and tropical forest regions as well as a significant maritime nation with thousands of islands, also took part in the effort to safeguard and prevent environmental damage. One of the world event held in Indonesia, such as the marine world conference which is supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNFP). Indonesia is also trying to ensure environmental sustainability as contained in one grain purpose Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015.

Unfortunately, an active role in protecting the environment has not been reflected on the environmental conditions in this country. Destruction of the environment still occurs even increased, both the quality and quantity, as reported by the mass media. The destruction of the so-called call it: forest fires, illegal fishing by means of 'trawling', exploration and exploitation of natural resources excessively, and more. Destruction All this is contrary to environmental sustainability efforts.

The devastation caused by conditions other than lack of awareness of the perpetrator, which highlights the importance for the provision or regulation governing the handling of the environment is still not achieve democratization and human rights law is not perspective. One of the legal norms that are considered 'problematic' is the Book of Criminal Justice Act (Penal Code). Problematic because of the punishment the perpetrators of pollution and environmental destruction is still not set to maximum.

The regulations have not resulted in maximum damage to the environment exploration increasingly jealous and massive exploitation of natural resources irresponsibly. Problem where the hottest multi-national companies (multi-national corporations) as the perpetrators of 'crimes' of the environment.

In a human rights perspective, evil comes from non-state actors can be regarded as horizontal effect of the passage is not the role of the state as stakeholder obligation to respect, fulfill and protect human rights. Practice the omission of the indication of human rights violations by the state is difficult to not indisputable.

Some experts consider to this day, Indonesia's development policy is still based on the 'economy-oriented'. Load to improve living standards through increased economic reality just forget about other joints that leads to life right ternikmatinya not individuals. This is a serious problem for most third world countries.